Monday, October 3, 2011

Month 1 (Verse 11) Report: Proverbs 31 Challenge for Life

Now that the last week of September is gone, it is time to report on Month 1 (Verse 11) of the Proverbs 31 Challenge here at Fascinating Ways.

For reference, this is the introductory post for the Proverbs 31 Challenge for Life; this is the Month 1 (Verse 11) post which also mentions my personal goal. Anyone may join at any time where we are. As the introduction to the challenge said, this is meant to be a long-term journey and not something that is completed in a week, a month, or even a year.

From Rule #3 of the introductory post, this is an option for reporting progress toward your goal, if you wish to do so:

"The last week of each month, in response to another prompt here, post your progress toward the goal in the comments section. This can be reported in very general terms to protect the privacy of all involved. Progress can be posted in these terms if you like: Completed; Postponed; Still Working; Canceled; or Not Helpful."

I will post my own progress in the comments section.


  1. My progress is Still Working on the goals of eliminating critical words and gossip. There were successes and failures throughout the month, so I want to try to keep this goal in mind as we move on.

  2. I am Still Working, too. Actually, there haven't been many instances this past month when I needed to exercise trust.

    ~ Karen ~

  3. Thank you for checking in, Karen! It is time for me to open my Bible and get inspired for Month 2. :)
